Friday, January 17, 2014

Planning for the Oscars

This month the  SGA is focusing on planning for the Oscars. This school event is a favorite of many. It is a time where the entire secondary school comes together. There are many details that must be worked out before the date of the event. The most important detail is funding this event. The entire event will be expensive and we must fundraise to ensure that we have a successful Oscars. I worked collaboratively with the other members of SGA to come up with ways to raise money. Our first event will be a bake sale.
This is a picture of the chocolate chip cookies I made.

Each SGA member brought a different thing for this weeks bake sale. I made chocolate chip cookies and brought them for the sale.We took shifts selling the baked goods. I increased my awareness of my strengths through this sale. I learned that I work well with others. We all discussed and then agreed on set prices for each good. We created different promotions in hopes of selling more goods and raising more money for the school.

We are now focusing on promoting the Oscars. We have to get the OSC students excited to come to the Oscars. We have done this through making large posters and hanging them around the school. This activity has helped show my commitment to this club. I spent many lunch hours hanging and taking pictures for these posters.
At each meeting we are discussing the set up of the Oscars. On the day of the Oscars we will each come in for multiple hours to help set up. We must hang decorations and create a fun environment for the students.

Goals for Week Without Walls

In a week my classmates and I will leave for our Week Without Walls trip. I chose to do the Coast to Coast trip to Aragon Bay. We will be doing a mix of biking and driving all the way from Colombo to Aragon Bay. Throughout this trip will be in very unfamiliar environments. We will learn to consider ethical implications. Firstly, at certain times we will be biking through a Muslim communities. Here we have to be very aware of  how dress. We must wear modest clothing in order to avoid offending individuals of the community. Second, we will be biking through areas where people have very little. We must ensure to be respectful of the socio economic differences.

We will be biking a total of 250 km. On average we will be riding about 50 km per day. I have not ridden a bike in many years. I believe that the large amount of biking will help me develop my skills. I also hope that I will become fitter and healthier from this experience. Biking with a large group of people will teach me to collaborate with others. Communication during biking in a group is crucial. If one person fails to communicate, it may cause an accident and many injuries. It is important to be extremely attentive throughout the biking experience.

 I will also develop my teaching skills. Each week with Helping Hands I teach children English. This is extremely rewarding and enjoyable. During week without walls we will visit a school. Here we will both teach the students and learn from the students.

I am very excited for this trip and cannot wait to begin this amazing journey!

Thursday, January 16, 2014


This week we had our first RCCI meeting of the second semester. The new and old club members worked together to plan activities for the upcoming semester. We thought about which activities the students enjoyed most last semester and incorporated them into our plans for the second semester. When the students came we worked on crafts with them. They drew and traced different shapes. Their drawings may be seen in the following image.
The second image shows OSC students from RCCI interacting with students from the center.

Each week in RCCI we face an issue of global importance; poverty. The students coming from outside OSC have a very different socio-economic background. Through the students going to the center, they are enabling their parents to work. Many parents had chosen to tie these children up or chain them because they were unable to leave them at home alone without negative consequences. For example some kids would attempt to run away.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

CAS Goals Semester 2

My first semester in CAS been a great learning experience. I am a participant in RCCI, Helpings Hands, SGA, and the soccer team.

RCCI has been great in teaching me patience and act when out of my comfort zone. During the seconds semester I hope to continue undertaking new challenges. This semester the grade 12 leaders hand over their leading positions to the eligible grade 11 group members. I hope to be chosen as a leader.

Helping Hands has by far been my favorite CAS activity of the semester. I have bonded with both the OSC students and the local students. I will continue to plan and initiate activities. This semester I will try out new activities and try teaching English through a different approach.

I believe that continuing with SGA will help with developing my skills in collaborating with others. Each week I work with other grade representatives to create a better school environment.

This semester I will begin soccer. I have been playing soccer for many years and am very passionate about the sport. I hope to develop new skills and undertake new challenges. I will try playing forward; though my position has always been midfield.