Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Helping Hands

This week in Helping Hands we taught the children colors. We did this through to activities. The first activity was reading the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar to the children. As we read the book aloud, we had the children name the colors and the different foods they saw.
 For the second activity, the children colored in a caterpillar and pasted it on a colored sheet of paper. Each section of the caterpillar was labeled with the name of a color. The children had to apply what they learned about colors from the book and color in the directed color. I was surprised by just how much the students enjoyed this activity.

For this weeks session I had to plan and initiate the activities. Throughout the week before I had to think about a fun and effective way to teach the kids colors. I try to find a new theme each week to focus on. Each week I will also try to reinforce the lesson from the week before. Being a leader in this service group helps me develop new skills. I have greatly developed my skills in organization. Before each session I must ensure that I have a clear planned out lesson. I must have all my ideas and materials ready for each session.

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